Grow-To Sustainable

Simple ways to start practicing sustainability!

Check out my blog for reviews of sustainable alternatives and my posts about ferns, mushrooms and seasonal garden activities!


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There is so much to learn on this topic in order to make the best sustainable decision for yourself. Is it better to place a large online order every once in a while, or find a store that carries the product? The later has a lot of advantages, mostly, you can see packaging and it avoids shipping. Making the choice to drive to the store, or if you can walk, is certainty less of a carbon footprint then big packaging and shipping on a truck. The disadvantage is it is difficult to find sustainable products in brick-and-mortar stores, in addition, the brick-and-mortar store is a problem in itself, with an overabundance of construction and a lack of using pre-existing structures.

  • Reuse bread plastic bags (empty the crumbs) for car or travel garbage bags or cat litter.
  • Review your county or township recycling guidelines so you know what packaging fits into your life best. For example, in this township, we can recycle plastic products 1,2, and 5 and paper and cardboard, but not “frozen dinner” packaging.
  • Research how an item is packaged, you don’t want to purchase something seeming sustainable to have to arrive in plastic packaging.
  • Rechargeable battery recycling-this is where big box stores come in handy. You can recycle batteries at well-known stores, links below.

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